
Showing posts from January, 2023


                        MY GOALS MY AMBITION   Being a successful person in life are my ultimate goals in life. There’s many definitions for everyone what a “successful person” is. For me it’s a person who have value on themselves and a person who can achieve whatever they want to in the future. For this year i have several goals to be achieved. I’m currently a final-year student in SMAN 3 Bandung. My plan for me in this year is to be able to go in my dream university to continue my study. My dream university is Universitas Padjajaran and University of Indonesia. Why i want to go there is because my sister is currently a medical student there and i’m aspired by her. For a major that i want to pursue is medical school. I want to pursue it because i feel like my passion is in medical school. Besides that as i’m a science student i more into a biology instead of physics and math :D i also like chemistry which is also a subject that are related to medicine.  To be able to achieve my dream